Does A Veranda Add Value To Your Home?

Absolutely a veranda increases the value of your home.

How much value does a veranda add?

I know some people often say that if you spend $10,000 on a veranda you have added $30,000 to the house. I am a bit more conservative. Definitely it is going to add $20,000 to the value of your house.

Real estate photos

Just pick up any paper you like and have a look at the way that the real estate agents sell homes. The main shot inevitably is a patio, if it’s a good. People want to look outside.

Only adds value if done right.

I think the key to it though is it has to be done right to add value.

So how can a veranda be done wrong?

  • not designed properly to complement a home

  • isn’t done with consideration to landscape

  • isn’t done with building permits

  • is done with a substandard material

If a veranda is made poorly, although it will create the space, it may not necessarily add value. So you really want to deal with something that adds value.

A class structure will put value unto a home, a tacky one just pulls it away.

Modern homes require outdoor areas

In the 21st century people are looking for outdoor living space. We have changed the way we are using our homes. It has almost become mandatory to have a veranda at your home.

It is un-Australian not to have a veranda.

Justin Cannon