How Long Does It Take To Install A Veranda?

We can do it in one day!

People are often surprised when we tell them we plan to have their veranda up, all systems going in the one day. This may mean starting at 8 in the morning and finishing at last light, but it will be done. We employ dedicated teams to install our verandas. They are not going to down tools and say we have a gig somewhere else, we will see you next Tuesday. We will install in a day.

If we have to come back for a second day, of course we will. A large job can take up to three days.

How do you do it so quickly?

Of course that is just purely due to the very detail measures at a manufacturing process off site. The veranda has been through the system once. It has been manufactured, it has been shrink wrapped and sent to site so no cutting will be required. It is purely an assembly.

Stratco Verandas

The beautiful thing about Stratco verandas is that they are fully engineered. They have computer stress test, they have simulated virtual tests. We know they are going to work before the first screw is turned.

What about the full process beyond installation?

I think it is equally important to say that we install a majority in a day. I think clients are also quite impressed that we complete the full process from as little as 3-5 weeks. This includes

  • Doing your building permit

  • Manufacturing

  • Getting on site

Surprisingly fast installation

When I actually say installation will take one day,Most people virtually fall off their chair because they are used to seeing someone out there for a week, a week and a half, sometimes 2 weeks.

It is crazy.

Our dedicated building teams

What helps the process is that we employ our own building teams. We don’t have to rely on subcontractors.

We give you up to 2 weeks notice of the day we are coming to install. And it will be on that day. You can plan your life around it.

Amy Walker